As agreed in the last GA in Mombasa, it has now officially opened the call for proposals for new Standing Committees and Working Groups until May 1st. If the proposal is considered feasible, the Executive Committee will recommend its creation in the following GA. They shall relate to subjects dear to Civil Engineering. Each SC or WG shall have the agreed support of a National Member, providing the Chairman and Secretary of the Committee as well as the administration and expenses. SC chairmen are elected for three years, renewable for another three years, altogether six years. Then the host country must change.

WGs have a limited duration of two years maximum. Each country could only host one SC and up to three Working Groups. SC chairs will become vice presidents and will integrate the ExComm. The main difference between SC and WG, other than this latter, is that WG shall have a single goal and a short life span.

Questions and proposals have to be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..Β