WCCE's General Assembly is the supreme governing body of WCCE and meets ordinarily once a year. WCCE initiatives are directed between General Assemblies by its Executive Committee, which meets at least quarterly through web or telephone conferences. WCCE's daily business is conducted by its Executive Director, under the responsibility of the President. The Executive Director is an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee with no voting rights.
The current Executive Committee members, as elected during WCCE's 16th General Assembly virtually in January 2022 are the following:
Vice presidencies - Standing Committee Chairs
Standing Committees are the backbone of WCCE initiatives. Standing Committees address an issue with specific interest to Civil Engineering. Its creation requires the approval of the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Executive Committee. Standing Committees are hosted by a National Member organization, providing the Chairperson and Secretary of the Committee. Standing committee chairs become Executive Committee members as Vice Presidents, holding such office during their Standing Committee chairing period.