Building Rehabilitation is one of the bigger challenges to be addressed by all historical urban centres and consolidated urban areas world wide. Due to this, urban rehabilitation has become a relevant economic, social, cultural and environmental issue nowadays. Public impetus is essential for promoting large urban rehabilitation projects, engaging stakeholders for the improvement of life quality and tourism attraction of such urban centres.
On the occasion of WCCEβs General Assembly, ORDEM will hold an international workshop on Heritage Building restorationΒ at the same venue on November 24th , 16:00h
The World Council of Civil Engineers, the United Nations Office in Spain and Aqualogy Foundation have signed an agreement to publish a series of monographs under the topics chosen annually to commemorate the "International Year of Water" declared by the UN in the 2013-2015 triennium. The publications provided will be devoted to "Water and Cooperation", "Water and Energy" and "Water and Sustainable Development".
United Nations under the International Decade for Action "Water for Life" (2005-2015), among other activities, promotes the coordination of work-related initiatives of UN-Water. The World Council of Civil Engineers includes in its objectives to facilitate technology transfer and cooperation between countries in the fields of civil engineering themselves as water. Meanwhile, Aqualogy Foundation, a forum for reflection, is to promote the debete, boost research and transfer knowledge on water.
On the day of its 8th General Assembly, its member organizations have unanimously agreed to appoint Professor JOSΓ MEDEM SANJUAN as FOUNDING PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD COUNCIL OF CIVIL ENGINEERS for its continuing commitment in the creation of a world organization to represent civil engineering professionals on an equal basis and promote technology transfer contributing to the welfare of humankind.Β
Such tribute was held during the 8th General Assembly Gala Dinner on October 13th at the Tropicana Santiago de Cuba.
The Final Report of the project TrainRebuild will be an invaluable instrument to communicate the retrofit value and return of investment to property owners, thus creating a scale effect of energy efficient renovations in Europe.
"The TrainRebuild project did not only propose an integrated approach to training and communication, but also an instrument to change public and private property owners' mindset", explained GΓΌnther H. Oettinger, European Commissioner for Energy in his foreword' to the TrainRebuild Final Report.
The recast Energy Performance of Buildings Directive 2 calls for more information and training to assist property owners and their advisors. Currently, there is a lack of independent, authoritative and understandable information on what measures property owners should take to retrofit their buildings and how these solutions can be procured. The complexity of the renovation work and the insufficient knowledge on the best available cost-effective technologies, funding schemes and how to access these are main barriers to the energy efficiency improvement of buildings.
The Declaration of Madrid which was signed on early March on the occasion of the International Congress on Civil Engineering hosted by Spanish Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos and its twin association, AsociaciΓ³n de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos.
Such statement declares the true commitment of the civil engineering community with the accomplishment of UN's Sustainable Development Goals and highlights the role of civil engineering in this deed.
Such declaration sponsored by the host organizations and the World Council of Civil Engineers was subscribed by 28 national civil engineering organizations as well as by the following international organizations:
- ECCE - European Council of Civil Engineers
- CICPC-CECPC Council of Civil Engineering Associations form Portuguese and Spanish Speaking Countries
- FEANI - European Federation of Engineering Organizations
- UPADI β Pan American Union of Engineering Organizations
This declaration is still open for any other organization that would like to subscribe the commitment stated in the Declaration. The Declaration is available in the following languages:Β English, Spanish and Portuguese languages.
Should you require any further information or any clarification on the topic, or if your organization may be interested in subscribing the Declaration, please contact
Civil Engineer Jose Espinosa, has taken over the presidency of the Colegio Dominicano de Ingenieros, Arquitectos y Agrimensores last August 14th. He will hold office for the period 2014-2015, succeeding Architect Iridio Santos. Formerly, he was Secretary General in Mr Santos Executive Board.
From WCCE we congratulate him for his presidency and encourage him to contribute to our community.