October 23-25, 2024

The next GA scheduled for October 25 in Limassol, Cyprus, will be of particular importance as there will be elections for the next president-elect, Continental Representatives and Treasurer. Another subject for ratification is the renewal of the Standing Committee on Natural Disasters proposed by Cuba. On top of these decisions, it is due the evaluation of the performances and continuance of the Standing Committees and the Working Groups that will have to show their progress and that have mandates till the following 2025 General Assembly. Finally, and importantly, the decision to host the following GA must be made. The options are May 2025 in San Jose, Costa Rica, or October 2025 in Abuja, Nigeria. During the meeting, we will also have to decide about the new “strategic plan” and the new “fee schedule”, two documents and decisions I’m trying to resolve during my term ending in Cyprus.

While I understand that Cyprus may be a distant location for some of us, I want to stress the importance of your physical presence. Even though online participation will be facilitated for those unable to attend, the value of face-to-face communication, the exchange of experiences, informal networking during breaks, and the weaving of bilateral relationships cannot be overstated.

I’ll inform you of the election procedures and distribute the formal invitations soon.

Jorge E. Abramian
