Full Members
National Members Organizations, Institutions, Associations representing Civil Engineers from all countries around the world.
International Members Umbrella Organizations related to Civil Engineers, involving two or more countries.
Sectorial Associations International Sectorial Organizations related to/acting in Civil Engineering
NGOs and Academic institutions International organisations addressing Civil Engineering-based challenges anywhere in the world, usually concerned especially with developing countries. This category also includes any academic or educational institution related to civil engineering education
Corporate Members Any company, directly or indirectly related to/acting in Civil Engineering, at National, Regional and International level, Consultants, Contractors, Transport, Auxiliaries, etc.
You can check each categories membership fees here.
Membership grades
with a significant professional career as Civil Engineers.
Civil Engineering Professionals entitled to practice in any country.
Civil Engineering Students enroled in any higher education civil engineering course in any country.
Civil Engineering Professionals - 20 β¬
Civil Engineering Students - 4 β¬