On Tuesday, September 26 has been happily opened the supply to rural communities of La Reforma and La Sabana of Botados, and Monte Plata's neighbourhood. All belong to the province of Monte Plata, the second poorest in the Dominican Republic. With regard to water supply, the 2008 Human Development Report of UNDP, puts the province as having greater need for water in households nationally (71%).
The promoter has been the WCCE-World Council of Civil Engineers and the CEZOPAS Implementing Agent (Social Pastoral Zonal Center).
Key performance team: From left. to right., staff CEZOPAS: (Mr. Joseph, accounting CEZOPAS,Sra. M Βͺ
Luisa, project manager, Sr. Flor Maria, Director, Ing th Altagracia, the CODIA, and Mercedes Grace Marin
,project manager for FCAS (OTC AECID))
The project involved the execution of wells with pumping equipment, sand filters and water towers, more distribution pipes collective water points.
The investment was $ 186,000, of which the FCAS - Spanish Cooperation Fund for Water and Sanitation ( AECID ) has funded 80 % . The other 20 % have arranged CEZOPAS which has received donations from a Spanish company to face part.
The technical tasks , which were assisted WCCE selfless , have been developed by engineers CODIA Dominicans engaged for this purpose .
The situation that lack of reliable supply of constantly hauling health problems in the communities of Monte Plata , which was evident in the presence of gastrointestinal , skin and genital diseases . This situation also had an economic impact on the family budget as families had to spend a significant portion of the budget to purchase purified water, further aggravating the precarious economic situation in which they live.
Purification systems help to improve the living conditions of the target population, to positively impact the health of consumers and the family budget, to provide high water quality at a lower cost, will also contribute to medium term, to reduce household spending on drugs to control diseases caused by drinking contaminated water. For this intervention to be sustainable and enhance its impact, it has been accompanied by a process of counselling for 2,373 families benefited . The training sessions enhance and strengthen the practices of the beneficiaries on the use, handling and storage of water. Committees have been established for management to meet the operation and maintenance ISO requirements of water supply systems.
In the communities of Monte Plata, the water supplied by the municipal system (INAP), does not have the required quality levels . The degree of contamination that the precious liquid is delivered to consumers, can be perceived visually , introducing mud sediment pollution , garbage, and other debris , creating an obvious distrust be consumed by the untreated population . The water supplied by the local water through pipes to homes , does not reach all sectors of the population, and has the required quality filtering and purification , so that families use it only for use domestic ( washing , house cleaning , bathing) , while water for direct consumption ( drinking) , and even for personal hygiene and cooking must be purchased at grocery stores , and a cleansing company , which has a cost that between RD $ 25.00 to RD $ 45.00 per bottle (5 gallons) , and truck dealers from other towns who come to town to sell the water, which also has quality assurance , the high level of manipulation that is subjected before reaching the final consumer.
The situation causes constant health problems in our communities, as evidenced by the presence of gastrointestinal, skin and genital diseases. This situation also has an economic impact on the family budget as families have to devote a significant portion of the budget to purchase purified water, further aggravating the precarious economic situation in which they live.
The supply system will help improve the living conditions of the target population, to positively impact the health of consumers and the family budget, to provide high water quality at a lower cost, will also contribute to medium term, to reduce household spending on drugs to control diseases caused by drinking contaminated water. For this intervention to be sustainable and enhance its impact, it has been accompanied by a process of orientation to at least 2,373 families living in the urban area of Monte Plata.Β
This rural community is located at the entrance to the reform project , road next to Monte Plata - Bayaguana They are farming families in poverty and neglect, with limited services. In regard to water supply service of a public key provided by the community aqueduct KM 12 , which was built by the community and precariously caters to 227 families , but it does not have capacity to supply the precious liquid Input the 50 families Reform , besides the service is not constant , having to search in Arroyo Limon and another nearby community well ( to more than 1 km away) , when there is the key. This task is in charge of women with the help of children , sometimes using horses and motorcycles for transportation . In rainy season also use rainwater to meet their needs , which in a few days is contaminated due to lack of treatment and proper handling.
The lack of water fit for human consumption generated serious problems of hygiene and health . With the installation of the system made , families seeks resident input to the Reformation have access to water supply , improving hygiene and reducing diseases caused by contaminated water consumption , improve their health , save time and effort involved in management of the precious liquid , and the integration of the community, through the process of counseling and community organization in the project plans.
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The community of La Sabana Botados, is a small rural community, belonging to the Municipal District of Yamasa de Botados . It has a population of 80 farm families who are in precarious conditions with limited services. So far the water to drink and cook buy a person in the community who has a tube well on his estate , and for other needs use the river water and Shrimp Leonora usually contaminated with debris, waste from trees, trash and animals which are at a distance of 1-2 km from their homes. This arduous task was in charge of women who carry the water on the head, with the help of children, and sometimes horses. In rainy season also use the water collected from the roof of their homes to meet their needs, which is contaminated by lack of treatment and mishandling.
To improve the water supply situation in this community has been drilled tube well installed submersible pump and 1,000 gallon water tank with one or more keys to tap, located in a strategic place to facilitate access to the greatest number of housing and a reasonable and prudent distance . With the installation of the system, ensures that the community have access to and consume good quality water, reduce diseases caused by contaminated water consumption, improve their health, save time and effort spent in pursuit of the precious liquid, and the integration of the community through the community organization process carried out in the project.