Lead the civil engineering profession in its task to foster human welfare.
WCCE is constituted as an international non-governmental organization, according to Spanish Law on Associations, defining Civil Engineers as professionals with university or equivalent education in any field of civil engineering. The World Council of Civil Engineers focuses its interest entirely on civil engineers which represent an important percentage β around 50% - of all engineering professionals worldwide, at national, regional and international level. And this should be done through an organisation of its own, capable of addressing the specific problems and issues typical of the civil engineering fields. In this sense, WCCE will act in a complementary way to the aforementioned organizations with which WCCE wishes to cooperate in engineering fields of general interest.
The purpose of civil engineering is to improve living conditions for all mankind, and this can more easily be achieved if Civil Engineers worldwide share their knowledge and experience in the application of technical progress to economic and social advancement throughout the world.
Our founding members have expressed their preference to become leaders in the civil engineering arena instead of playing the role of simple followers of predominant organizations. Unless we begin to lead effectively we will be sidelined, with no option to influence the future of our profession.
WCCE is committed to facilitate a global platform where all the members are equal, regardless of their origin. Our council is open to all the existing organizations involved directly or indirectly in the civil engineering and construction business, willing to collaborate in a positive way in the achievement of our common goal.
A world where sustainable development is prevailing.
As was the case of ECCE at European level there should be no fear that the new World Council of Civil Engineers would overshadow other global engineering organizations. WCCE does not pretend to compete with other existing international federations as for example WFEO, which comprises all engineering branches or IEEE which comprehends only electrical and electronics engineers or FIDIC focused entirely on consulting firms.
To create an equal open forum for all civil engineering stakeholders and beneficiaries.
WCCE's purpose is to create and foster a global platform of civil engineering societies, civil engineering related companies, non-governmental organizations related to civil engineering, academic institutions, individual professional civil engineers, a forum for the exchange of professional best practices, skills, knowledge, technology and information across the globe addressing the needs and concerns of our professionals, such as sustainable development in all its aspects and corruption prevention and is envisaged to promote the mobility of experienced civil engineers and of civil engineering students as a part of the process of exchange of knowledge world wide. For these purpose, the objectives for which WCCE is hereby constituted are:
- Foster cooperation between organizations of civil engineers and between organizations within the field of civil engineering.
- Further civil engineering education, training and continuing professional development.
- Promote high technical standards of civil engineering worldwide.
- Encourage the exchange and transfer of knowledge, information and technology.
- Support the creation of national and international associations of civil engineers, encourage the membership of women and young engineers and the fostering of the associations activities.
- Encourage the freedom of movement of civil engineers between different countries.
- Safeguard and improve quality of life in the built environment.
- Promote health and safety in all activities related to the civil engineering profession.
- Inform and advise the International Institutions on the organisation and methods of the construction cycle and the framework within which civil engineers work.
- Foster high standards of professional and ethical conduct, fighting corruption in engineering and construction.
- Sponsor scientific and civil engineering meetings, symposia, conventions, congresses and the like.
- Promote peace and mutual understanding.
- Participate, collaborate and foster development programmes in developing countries.
- Strengthen the professional exercise of Civil Engineers through high ethical standards, quality and safety in the provision of professional services.
- Promote and foster public positions (posts) and positions of leadership.
In order to design sustainable solutions able to deal with the need of infrastructures demanded by society, an adequate comprehension of the natural processes is required. In this sense the objectives of WCCE should be:
- To reinforce the traditional education of civil engineers by extending their knowledge to subjects related to natural science and economic evaluations.
- To foster the links between civil engineering and society, by promoting a higher participation and compromise when facing environmental problems, poverty and social exclusion.
- To point out to society the importance of the role of civil engineers in the prevention of natural disasters and in sustainable management of the land.
- To promote R&D projects in the fields of interrelation between the actions upon the land using and conserving natural resources and the protection of the ecosystems, as well as follow-up programmes on the corrective and compensating measures which can facilitate the inclusion of real and experimental data into future actions.